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RainWorks Challenge - Completed

I am currently working on designing an extensive green roof for a canopy structure at Colorado State University. The ultimate goal of this project is to help improve the quality of gray water from precipitation while trying to adsorb some of the precipitation itself to minimize runoff. The design will incorporate a layer of gravel that will help disperse and slow the precipitation in order to increase evaporation and decrease erosion of the rooftop. There will be 4 or 5 dispersed areas of mixed gravel and Crump Cactus and Succulent Mix that will be filled with 2-3 types of Cedums. It was my job in this project to research the weight, cost, and process for applying the gravel. It was also my responsibility to collect data about cold hardy succulents and decide on a medium to grow them in.  


Latest Projects

Senior Design - Remediation of Poudre Valley River concerning the High Park Fire

Our senior design team at Colorado State University is currently finding solutions for remediation of the Poudre River system after the recent High Park Fire in the Poudre Valley. The main goal of this project is to minimize the amount of total suspended solids that are currently leading to the water treatment facility shutting down during large precipitation events. Expected runoff in the Spring of 2013 poses possible difficulties for the Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility due to excessive turbidity. The design team is currently working on a physical removal system that will "drop" out sediment from the bottom of the river and have a physical transport system to a destination where it will be removed from the area for other uses. After collection of soil samples we will analyze the sediment in various areas for contaminants due to things such as fire retardants and contaminants in the surrounding soils as well and propose solutions to any problems that arise.  

(Website currently under construction)


“Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing.”
― Oscar Wilde


Drake Water Reclamation Facility - Completed

The Drake Water Reclamation Facility is currently looking into implementing an activated sludge system to their south processing unit. I am currently working with a team at Colorado State University to determine the best and most cost effective way for the facility to do this. Our team is in charge of analyzing the benefits and consequences of a one stage and two stage activated sludge process for the facility. The team will be in charge of looking at current structures that can be altered to incorporate this system along with analyzing what the maximum flow rates and treatment efficiency will be.  

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